Monday, April 6, 2009


It's been awhile...see previous blog re: procrastination. Today, the boy and I signed a lease to a new place. It's just a temporary stop on the path to our first real home. He negotiated, I made faces at him when he was being awkward and we ended up with a nice and cozy new place. We have 3 weeks until we actually move and I can't wait. Moving has a way of bringing you face to face with all the clutter in your life that you sometimes try to forget. You know...the bank statements you stuffed in your magazine rack, the old photos that you stashed in a box under your bed that you don't want to throw away but you needed out of sight, the old planners and journals filled with personal commentary and forgotten events and all the crap that you need to get rid of but just keep dragging along with you from place to place----or maybe that's just me. Every time I move, I'm forced to face things in my life that I would have otherwise forgotten about had I not needed to pack up and clear out for the next tenant. Up to this point, my method of moving has been to simply throw everything in garbage bags, in no particular order, and schlep them over to the new digs...dump out and rearrange in pretty much the same fashion as the previous set up...stashing away those unwanted items out of view. At the age of 26, I think that this move should be different. Maybe this time I will have a more methodical approach to my move...especially since the boy is a bit OCD. Maybe, just maybe, I will throw away the things that need to be permanently forgotten and deal with the things that need to be dealt with. No more random receipts, meaningless cards, magazines I promise I will make time to read, knowing I won't. This will be a fresh start...a new organized beginning in a new place, with the boy that I love. We'll see...those garbage bags are quite convenient at times.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

D.J. Sheppard

It seems I have procrastinated a bit in terms of my new blogging endeavor. Procrastination has been a friend of mine for a long time. According to my parents, it took me several years to let go of my two pacifier at all times habit, no matter how hard they tried. I didn't declare my major until I was into my third year of college. My first attempt of turning the paperwork into my adviser's office resulted in me running out and what I can only guess was a panic attack. Along the way I have procrastinated with homework assignments, social obligations, break-ups, finances, packing, planning, etc. Sometimes I worry that I'm procrastinating my life away. I'm going to wake up 20 years from now and wonder why I haven't done all the things I wanted to or should have done. I have many professions, hobbies, destinations and activities in mind. I decided to take up rock climbing a few months ago. I made it to the indoor facility to gather information, but have never gone to actually participate in the activity. One day I decided that I would make a pretty good D.J. I mean, how hard could it be? I like music, I know how to work basic music playing machines. Done. I shared this idea with a friend. He responded with what should be my D.J. name and tag line. "D.J. Sheppard, Bringing the Funk to the Flock." I LOVED it! Since I have yet to become a practicing D.J., I try to reference this name whenever possible. You would be amazed at how easily it can work itself into a conversation.

"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a publicist, but if I were a D.J. I have the perfect name."

"How are you today?"
"I'm doing well. I'm thinking about bringing some funk to the flock later."
"Oh, that's just D.J. talk."
"I didn't know you were a D.J."
"I'm not."

Perhaps this problem is more than just a case of procrastination, but I'm not going to start thinking about that now. I will deal with whatever issue that is later...

Monday, July 7, 2008

To blog or not to blog...

Yes, that is the question. I decided about 3 weeks ago that I was going to start a blog. I took immediate action in asking blogger experts advice on how to get started. I did my research and found a user-friendly and reputable blogging outlet. I made a general outline of potential blogging topics. I even came up with various titles for said blog. As the weeks passed, I found myself consumed with bloggging preparation...with no blog to show for it. I found many valid reasons not to start my title (though I had sketched out several options), no interesting topics (though I seemed to be doing quite well with my handwritten one), will the blog have spell check? (i was relieved to discover the answer was yes to this one), convinced myself that the demand for a blog by me was just not there, etc. It was during this time of doubt that I received some wise words from a friend and seasoned blogger..."don't let your Little Hater get the best of you. Blog today." So, that's what I decided to do...stop being my own worst enemy and just take the plunge into my own digital diary of sorts. Let the blogging begin...